Monday, November 4, 2013

The Fabulous Two's!

The last time I posted to this blog our Madeline had just turned 2 years old! 

And since I never got around to posting any pics from her Bday party at the Chino Youth Museum, here are a few 
( although it is now 6 months later ). 

Madeline continues to blossom! She is always learning new things, and continues to bring us so much joy! I'm hoping to update this blog a bit more since it's really the only way I have been documenting her life, and time seems to be flying by so fast. But I will try to do it in segments, like documenting our first summer together, her educational development, life with extended family & friends, and Halloween ( which was so much fun for her ). 

Happy Birthday =  Happy Family!

Garden Theme 

Kids sang Happy Birthday in English, Spanish, and Chinese

Grandparents, Sister & hubby, & a long time family friend. 

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