Wednesday, April 7, 2010

1,303 Days...

That is how long we have waited so far to hear news from China. I have hesitated to write a post on this blog regarding our status, simply because I don't have any new news to report. We have literally not progressed in line from where we were last year. Even though it seems we're only about 150 days of Log In Dates away from China getting to our file, the Chinese officials are barely getting through April '06 referrals. It's been very frustrating not knowing why this wait has been so incredibly long. All we have is speculation. A little bit of rumors on blogs, and bits of facts, but nothing concrete. We've been told that the slowdown "could" be attributed to China allowing for domestic adoptions, or that they are allowing the countryside to keep 2 or more children, or that there are simply way more families that are logged in ahead of us waiting for their turn. Whatever the case may be, we just seem to be at a standstill. There is so much uncertainty that for as much as I hate to say it.......we sometimes wonder if we will ever see the day when we will get our referral to the little girl we dream about every night. Her room still awaits her, and our whole family along with our God-kids who often stay over, lovingly refer to her room as "Madi's room". So I should also mention that we are not loosing hope. We are currently updating our Homestudy to re-apply for a new I-71H approval ( which basically means that the US Govt. grants us permission to bring an orphaned child into the U.S. ). The new worry we have now however, is with the US reviewing our financials, as last year was one of our worst years ever. But we are hoping that the US will be considerate of us, not forgetting that our entire country has suffered a great loss during this recession, and still grant us permission while we recoup, especially since it doesn't seem like we will be traveling to China any time this year.

-During our wait, we do want to thank all of our family and friends who continue to ask about our status, and are genuinely concerned while offering their love and support. It really has meant a lot to us to have this support.

1 comment:

XUE said...

Dear Marsi,
I am Chinese & I am adopted, though not from China. I don't know what to say except that I feel sad for you, that you have been waiting for so long. It took us years before we got pregnant & adoption too was also on our minds. One day, you will be parents & your days will be filled even more, of craft projects & sewing stuff ! Happy Thursday from Tokyo! - Xue